lunes, 26 de julio de 2010


Do you want to be a Dj for a few minutes? We certainly do!
Go to this website and spin the ines's and two's!

Algunes fotos més

Aquestes fotos són de l'activitat que la setmana passada van estar fent els de segon.

martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Visual and Urban music

Music never stops in Summer Fun. We have been painting with visual music (please have a go, it´s great!)

We also had a look at the science of music. In this website: you will find many of the activities we have enjoyed this week. Our students specially recommend the step re-mix exhibit.

Som dissenyadors!

Durant aquests dies els nens han estat fent de dissenyadors informàtics i els resultats han estat fantàstics. Aquí us deixem una petita mostra del que es pot fer amb un ordinador i molta creativitat.

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

More music!

Friday we created a new soundtrack to a cartoon. We also experimented with this website. Don´t hesitate and have a go!

viernes, 9 de julio de 2010

Parque Aventura

Yesterday June 8th, we went to Santa Susanna, to "Park Aventura". We had different circuits, adapted according to the age, we jumped from tree to tree, we did various activities and learnt to overcome different challenges. It was a perfect activity in a very nice place for such a hot day!!!!

miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010

We are musicians

For our music experiment of today, we have used
The students have created wave patterns with surprising results.


We can check how many fun days we have left this month just having a look at our calendars...